About Us

The PA Harm Reduction Network (PAHRN)
The Pennsylvania Harm Reduction Network (PAHRN) emerged from a collective effort by passionate advocates who recognized the urgent need for a statewide grassroots organization dedicated to advancing harm reduction principles in Pennsylvania. Our journey began following the closure of the Pennsylvania Harm Reduction Coalition in 2021.
The PA Harm Reduction Network serves to organize and build power across Pennsylvania to end overdose deaths, drug-use related incarceration, the spread of HIV and HCV, and the many other harms inflicted upon people who use drugs in Pennsylvania and those who love them. PAHRN works for change through collaboration, advocacy, public education, information sharing, and supporting access to harm reduction resources & supplies.
The PA Harm Reduction Network envisions a future where Pennsylvanians who use drugs are treated with dignity and compassion; and our drug policies are built on principles of equity, self-determination, bodily autonomy, and public health.